Shlomo Rechnitz's approach to philanthropy is that it's not merely a task or a duty to be discharged. It's a way of giving back, of expressing gratitude both to G-d and to the community, city and country that has given and continues to give opportunity to so many.
According to Mr. Rechnitz, everybody can give something, whether it's money or time or guidance. No one is exempt, because charity and giving transcend all boundaries of financial wealth, ethnicity, religion and location.
Consequently, the Shlomo and Tamar Rechnitz Foundation wasn't established to benefit any one cause or category of giving. The recipient organizations and initiatives are completely non-denominational and range from educational institutions to literacy to support for the homeless and the mentally ill — and beyond.
One cause that is particularly close to the Rechnitz heart is cancer research. To date, both through the Foundation and together with his twin brother and business partner Steve, Shlomo Rechnitz has dedicated millions of dollars to fighting cancer. Recipients include (but aren't limited to) Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, UC San Diego, UCLA, the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and MD Anderson in Houston, Texas.
Another cause of great importance to Shlomo is the Mir Yeshiva, where he learned in his late teens and early twenties. Home to over 9,000 students from 24 countries, Mir is the largest yeshiva in the world. For Shlomo, it's a privilege to help underwrite the obviously enormous costs, and he has headed a number of campaigns on the yeshiva's behalf.
Aside from his personal work and the work of the foundation, Shlomo Rechnitz is involved in myriad private philanthropic endeavors to assist individuals and families in need.
Some of the organizations and institutions the Shlomo and Tamar Rechnitz Foundation works with are:
BINA Stroke & Brain Injury Assistance
NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Illness
SSG HOPICS Division (homeless outreach)
School Children With Hidden Intelligence
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation
Sandy Hook School Support Fund
Nora Sandigo Children Foundation
National Military Family Association